Wednesday 9 February 2011

The Power within...

Most of the times we moane about not having anything, we whine about being unlucky and being rejected. We always complain about being unhappy...but you have to ask yourself this question "who is responsible for your happiness"...the answer is simply YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN HAPPINESS". No-one else can make you happy more than you. You just need to make a choice and a promise to yourself than as long as you're still alive, able to proivide and as long as you're mentally annd phiysical healthy that you'll never be unhappy. There is no-one better to know what makes you happy than your own self. The Power of your Happiness lies within you. We all posses this is all up to us to liberate that power.
Don't wait for people to make you feel good about yourself, to wait for people to tell you how beautiful you are...tell your self that you are beautiful and that you are happy. Nothing is impossible if tell yourself that you are the answer to your happiness.
Its time for you to do something for yourself, make yourself happy, choose to be happy. its all in your hands. The answer for all your happiness lies within you.

Use the power within you and enjoy the life that you've always wanted. Being happy is choice, make the right one.

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